Friday, December 10, 2010

I LOVE Hockey!

Do you love hockey? Do you love all types of hockey? I LOVE Hockey! I love ice hockey, I love roller hockey and I love floor hockey. My first recollection of hockey is playing ball hockey in the basement of the house I grew up in just outside Minneapolis-St. Paul. I used saw horses as goals and my Mom was the goalie. I started on the ice at age four. My Dad was the high school team coach and the president of our association. He would take me to the outdoor rink while he had practice and he would put me on the pleasure rink and I learned how to skate on my own.

My real hockey development never happened on the ice. It happened in the gym of my Dad's elementary school. He was the principal. I was lucky, I would talk him into playing floor hockey in the gym. That is where I learned to play and love the game of hockey. I can remember pulling the plastic sticks and nets out of the equipment room to this very day. Sometimes we used a puck and sometimes we used a ball. It didn't matter as long as I was playing.

I spent hours playing in that gym. Sometimes by myself and sometimes with a bunch of friends that I invited to play. We played for hours. When my Dad would tell us it was time to leave I'd be heart broken. I couldn't get enough.

Fast forward 25-30 years. I was introduced to floorball 2 years ago when I was coaching youth ice hockey. The team I was coaching practiced on the ice two hours a week. Hardly enough time to work on the basic skills to be able to play the game. One of those practices was a shared practice where we could only use half the ice. I heard about a team from another club that played floorball as a way to work on skills and team tactics off the ice. Wow! What an idea! I had to find out more.

What i have found out:

Floorball is floor hockey with some rules similar to soccer

Floorball at the highest levels is very competitive and takes a tremendous amount of athleticism to be able to play it

Floorball is a good recreational sport for all ages/boys, girls, men and women alike

Floorball can be used to learn skills for ice hockey off the ice

Floorball is in-expensive

Floorball can instill the love of the game into players today just like floor hockey did for me!

I LOVE Hockey!